John Ruberto
(Giovanni John Ruberto)
Is a Small-Time Montreal Promoter of Stock Scams
Google: John Ruberto SCAM
John Ruberto (Giovanni John Ruberto) is a small-time Montreal Promoter of Stock Scams.
It seems that he is willing to say anything – to keep his stocks from declining in value.
His disturbing behavior on the,, and KV-A Yahoo Stock Messgae Boards has gotten worse.
Giovanni John Ruberto has been seen at:
Boucherie Cotto Crudo
Boucherie Cotto CrudoBoucherie Cotto Crudo
9901 Boul Saint-Michel
Montreal-Nord, QC H1H 5G7, Canada It seems that Giovanni Ruberto runs
Boucherie Cotto Crudo
for Nicola Lepore and Michele Lepore John Ruberto uses a number of email accounts to promote his stock scams.
These email accounts include:
John Ruberto’s writings have been the most disconcerting in two message boards:
Here are some snippets from John Ruberto’s Disturbing Posts:
“what a loser“
“pedo pics and info to underaged people“
“ooooh lala scare me. you loser“
“Michael Butler & Nunley are lovers“
“gay boys“
“has no life, no friends and is a loser. “
“f u ............. “
“what a loser....and liar. “
“but you are still a loser.... get a friend and a l“
“Loser is bashing....lost his mom s money .lol“
“We are laughing at you now....and harder soon“
“you are is the lady. “
“ dont own mcda, they can crap themselves “
“this is crappppppppppppp“
“You must be the black sheep of your family...what a loser“
“you little weasel“
“poor loser“
“call the police idiot“
“Disgruntled little“
“Daniel"s chest looks caved in“
“but is still a pee-in-the-bed loser “
“underage girls“
“So the basher likes little boys“
“I knew it....what a loser “
“coward losers of corse. “
“Nunley actually likes boys“
“grow up“
“we are laughing at you“
“When they waiste day and night posting on a fake that is what you call pathetic.....but then again it is easy when you collect welfare and live in a trailer“
“WE ARE LAUGHING AT YOU .....where is your grand daddy ???? “
“coawrds are hiding..... “
“you is swizz....retard “
“do you have downs???? or your child??? “
“I hope your grand daddy doesnt look up from hell to see you loser“
“We know who you are ....we laugh at you all day. You are just too much of a coward ..... “
“I hate cowards that dont post their true identity“
“people are laughing at you loser “
“where is your grand daddy“
“cowards hide their true identity“
“ask your grand daddy“
“there goes the loser again“
“what a desperate loser“
“I am not like you...a coward“
“Unlike others . I dont hide“
“you really are stupid...I guess you are the black sheep of the“
“there is no panic selling dumass“
“No coward basher. you live to bash mcda. ““
“You have always lied, even after you were fired
“give it up loser“
“next week will make you nervous“
“You must be Lenny's boyfriend“
“You are just a little more stupid than I thought. “
“it was never distributed like this before dumass“
“Shows what little dd you did idiot“
“I will take Price Waterhouse s word way before I take an idiot like you“
“you old sap LOSER !!!! “
“bunch of losers .lol“
“Everyone is there, everything is good, but the bashers are lying and getting nervous“
“actually I think you are an idiot....more stupid than I thought“
“you are more of an idiot than I thought. “
“no you didnt idiot“
“what a loser basher“
“good luck coward“
“you are a real zero....not making your family proud from what I hear. “
“Too much of a coward to show yourslef. “
“people know you are the former ceo of CBAY“
“use your own name you coward con man“
“what a loser“
“they are bashers , wanted in Easter Europe for fra ud“
“My report has started.....maybe Ricky will call yo“
“You should get a life....or at least pretend to TRY to get a life. “
“Don't worry, lots of bashers are nervous shorts....or disgruntled red necks. “
“poor loser“
Here's some of GIOVANNI JOHN RUBERTO'S emails:
From: Ggghhgk Gkgkgj <>
To: xxxx@xxxx.xx
Sent: Wed, August 25, 2010 1:51:34 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Hello Giovanni (John) Ruberto!
hi skitzo.
I have a 15 year old that will hack you soon.
This is going to be funny
you were warned retard
From: john ruberto <>
Subject: Re: Too Funny Sunshine!- you did
To: xxxx@xxxx.xx
Date: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 3:44 PM
you is swizz....retard
do you have downs????
or your child???
From: john ruberto <>
Subject: Re: Still Nothing??- lenny
To: xxxx@xxxx.xx
Date: Monday, July 26, 2010, 3:19 PM
They are sending you a notice
You are using my id ,. I will cill you
From: john ruberto <>
Subject: Re: Or What
To: xxxx@xxxx.xx
Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 10:34 PM
you are a retard ....need help
From: john ruberto <>
Subject: you r
To: xxxx@xxxx.xx
Date: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 2:16 AM
I will get a hacker to find you
I will snap you
From: john ruberto <>
Subject: Re: thanks for the laughs
To: xxxx@xxxx.xx
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 10:44 AM
I will report you and have a hacker find you
I find you I kil you.I will appear in court with you if I have to go to jail
From: john ruberto <>
To: xxxx@xxxx.xx
Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 6:43:05 PM
Subject: Re: Information on Mellone and Wilcox and the Russian Mob-gotshalk
I don t care if I go to jail
You have no idea what I am capable of if you make me lose money
And to think that
John Ruberto is a Member of the
Montreal Knights of Columbus
I'm surprised that they tolerate this kind of behavior.
Here's some pictures of Giovanni and the Knights of Columbus:
If you know John Ruberto ask him to stop.
Extra/unfiled information:
Holdings John Ruberto Giovanni John RubertoJohn Ruberto Giovanni John Ruberto Lytec Macada Holdings Montreal Canada
cam Anthony Mellone Larry Wilcox UCHB MCDA TSHL Macada Holdings UC HUB GROUP Steven Cohen SCAM Mellone Wilcox 6499 N. Powerline Rd 201 Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, 33309 954-772-2640 954-772-2643 Frank Beals Beals WebDesign 285 East Warm Springs Road, Suite 105, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 5893 10 Appaloosa Lane, West Hills, Ca 91307 Stock Scams Investment Scams Chips Genesis Capital Corp. Merger/Acquisition LyfeTec, Inc. Genesis Capital Corp. (OTCBB: GCNV) , Genesis Capital Richard Astrom and Christopher Astrom Steven Cohen Lyfetec's Mateo Mining, Corp Genesis, Lyfetec and Macada Holdings Mateo Mining, Corp. Genesis Capital Corp. Lee Rice Robert Barry Howie, Steve Gorin, Mitch Tannenbaum, Larry Rentz, William Tehan, Robert Edwards, William Lamarque, Lochlann Toolin, and Mark D. Klok Mateo Mining, Inc. Ripoff Scam GENESIS CAPITAL CORP OF NEVADA 7340 North Highway 27, Suite 218, Ocala, Florida pedo scam montreal knights of columbus ruberto john ruberto lyfetec macada da uchb Scam
9901 Boul Saint-Michel
Montreal-Nord, QC H1H 5G7, Canada
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